Field Nation published an extensive study of service providers in the field services industry titled "The State of Independent Contracting in Field Services" in 2023. The study was the first of its kind. My challenge was to lay out a whitepaper of the study that could be promoted digitally. I translated the immense amount of data into visual bites that could be easier to scan and absorb--including creating a supplementary infographic that provided the most useful data points and stats.
Data visualization isn't always easy, particularly if much of the data use the same type of measurement scale (line graph after line graph can be hard to look at). I tried to think outside the box and deliver the data in visual forms that felt less like you were reading a "report." I did this by highlighting specific data points and creating contrast between the most important statistics. This way, I could help guide the reader to focus on the most important information, as opposed to expecting them to find it on their own. Numbers can be fun!